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/ Digital Stock: American Food Basics / Digital Stock: American Food Basics_back.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1996-01-01  |  11MB  |  6000x4000
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OCR: TO ORDER IMAGES FOR PROFESSIONALS Our image library is constantly expanding. Digital Stock is committed to Call us for information MAC bringing you the world's finest on the latest titles. PC UNIX stock photography in a convenient, 5 cost-effective, digital format. Kodak @ digital science- Our images are selected from the DIGITAL work of renowned professional STOCK 5 . photographers and artists. They Digital Stock Corporation 400 South Sierra Ave. are meticulously drum scanned for Suite 100 superior detail, then carefully Solana Beach, CA 92075 Phone: 619.794.4040 retouched and color-corrected. Fax: 619.794.4041 Digital Stock and the Digital Steck logo are trademarks of Digital Stock Corp. Digital Science is a trademark of the Eastman Kodak Company, and is used under license. Digital Stock 1996. Made in USA.